Patrick's Stor

I started out personal training at the age of 19 at Bally Total Fitness (remember that place). After playing high school sports I absolutely fell in love with all things fitness and nutrition. Getting certified as a personal trainer at such a young age allowed me to learn from the absolute best. I have had so many mentors along the way.

Training at the big box gyms was a great start and watching the changes unfold in my clients was so incredibly rewarding. Eventually I started training independently at a smaller family gym in Texas. But I wanted more. So I had the grand idea to open my own gym because I wanted to have the biggest impact possible on an entire community.

I moved out to Lose Angeles and opened my own studio. This was an awesome experience but I found out that something was really missing…… Old fashioned training worked in some ways but I was always telling people that nutrition and the “other” (lifestyle) accounts for 80-90% of results. One day it smacked me upside the head. I needed to help people with EVERYTHING.

Then I decided that there had to be a much much better way. Moving toward HEALTH COACHING AND NUTRITION COACHING was the best decision I ever made. I started really studying behavior psychology, nutrition science, (getting multiple certifications and learning from the best) and what it takes to break the yo-yo cycle that so many people struggle with. Once I switched to a more holistic style of coaching the results for my clients skyrocketed!

It just made so much more sense. I was able to guide people through all the pitfalls of “life happening” and keep people on track where it counts the most. Because if you’re working out 7 times a week but don’t truly understand your metabolism and how to eat properly it’s all for not!

I love what I do and have a fiery passion, a “whatever it takes” attitude for seeing people not only get results, but do so in a non-restrictive way so it’s more sustainable.

I’ve done some powerlifting and coached everyone from 150+Lb weight loss clients, figure competitors to people just trying to lose the last 10 lbs. The majority of my clients fall into that “life happened” goal range of losing 20-50 lbs. and toning up.

I am MOST passionate about working with those who have lost weight and gained it back multiple times. This isn’t just a physical journey but a mental and emotional one as well. Remember, there are no magic tricks and restricting life to death is not the way to get there.

You have to be able to live your life and enjoy the process. Are there sacrifices? YOU BET. But, there is also a balance you need to find so you are no longer “on” or “off” a program.

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