Patrick Williams, Your Head Coach

I help busy men and women lose unwanted fat, overcome the yo-yo cycle, and build rock-solid habits that last live a healthy life. Personalized nutrition coaching Live Remote Personal Training Habit based health coaching.

For People Done Searching For The Magic 💊s, Ready To Do What It Takes, and Sick Of Losing Fat Only To Gain It Back Plus Some .

Me and my wife have lost a total of 130 lbs. This has not only changed our lives but our kids’ lives as well. We no feel like we are setting a great example for them on how to lead a healthy life. The support we got was just unmatched. We tried an online “coach” before but this was totally different. The accountability was the biggest difference maker!

Kevin Quinn, TX

How Personalized Coaching Helps You Nourish. Move. and Succeed.

Is This You?

Don't Know Where To Start

There is a TON of information out there. Just because something worked for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Cut through the b.s. and figure out what YOU can do to be successful.

Clothes Don't Fit Like They Used To

Everything is too snug, there are clothes in the closet you wish you could wear, and you REFUSE to buy sizes up.

You've Lost Weight and Gained It Back

Maybe this has happened to you once, twice, or 100 times. I will teach you how to break free of the cycle once and for all.

The Healthy Lifestyle Is "All Or Nothing"

You do really well for a little while only to fall back into your old ways.

Struggling To Find The Time

Work, family, endless to-dos, and interfering priorities. You often put yourself on the backburner and take care of everyone else

Don't Recognize Yourself In The Mirror

You just don’t feel like yourself. And you know you’re capable of being at your best if you just had the right formula…

So, Losing A Bunch of Weight and Gaining It Back PLUS Some Is Fun, Right?

Of Course It Isn't.

Yo-yo dieting has existed since Victorian times when people would crash diet before their next ball or gala (don’t quote me on that). The point is we humans have been doing it a long time and it just sucks. The diet, supplement, and fitness industries understand this while pushing out magic pills, insane looking workout gear that requires “no effort”, and revolutionary mega cleanses. They are literally preying on the masses. The craziest thing is some companies come out with multiple products and EACH TIME claim it makes all other methods obsolete. WTH….
Reviews Rating
50 A+

Victorious Clients


Kevin Quinn TX

Me and my wife have lost a total of 130 lbs. This has not only changed our lives but our kids’ lives as well. We no feel like we are setting a great example for them on how to lead a healthy life. The support we got was just unmatched. We tried an online “coach” before but this was totally different. The accountability was the biggest difference maker!

Sherri Lefebvre CT

Patrick is so patient and thoughtful. It seemed like every time I was going to get off track he would reach out and help me stay the course. I have lost weight and put it back on more times than I can even count!! I tried it on my own and finally decided to get help. I’m so glad I found him because he helped me change my relationship with food AND exercise. If you’re looking for no nonsense and results look no further!

Ajee Spencer D.C.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Patrick. I’ve lost 20 lbs. lbs in 4 months which was a lot for me! He’s very knowledgeable and makes me feel confident that I’ll maintain my results and not fall back into my old ways. I was worried about what the workout experience would be via zoom, but it’s been awesome and I’ve learned a lot on the nutrition side. I’m overall feeling relaxed and excited. Thank you Patrick!

Andy Gutierrez AZ

I was what you would call a yo-yo dieter for years. I would lose 10 lbs, 20 lbs and put it back on because I didn’t understand my metabolism and how the body works. Patrick helpes me navigate this stuff with really good advice so I knew how to maintain my weight. He even helped me gain a ton of muscle and now I’m looking forward to seeing some abs which I literally can’t believe. Thanks Patrick!!!!

Hopee Gutierrez TX

Patrick is the deal! He is smart, knowledgeable, and understanding! I wanted to quit the second I signed up and he wouldn’t let me! Thank goodness he didn’t! I’m so happy with myself and I have lost 17 pounds and SOO much bodyfat! I feel great again! I couldn’t have done it without him! Highly recommend Patrick!!

Kimberley Graf IL

I struggled with my weight my entire life and Patrick helped me to finally break the cycle. He was wonderful at taking the time to explain how everything works so that I could fully understand how to control my weight loss journey once I reached my goal. He helped with teaching me skills to change my lifestyle forever so that I never had to go backwards to this struggle again. I highly recommend Patrick for anyone who is looking for a trainer/nutritionist to help them on their journey.

Why you should work with Patrick Williams Coaching

I’m SOO Confident You Will Reach Your Goals.

If You Don’t By The Date We Agree Upon, I’ll Work With You For FREE Until You Do!!!! You Can’t Go Wrong…